ATTENTION ALL HOMEOWNERS WHO RESIDE IN PIERCE COUNTY!! Did you know that you are required, per Pierce County Code, to have a valid permit for your alarm system??
These alarm permits provide vital information to law enforcement agencies in the event they have to respond to your residence for an alarm. This information includes your contact information, information on any pets in the home, and information on any firearms in the home.
Here are some quick facts about the alarm permit program:
*Alarm permits must be purchased with the county for any alarm system within 30 days of installation.
*For homeowners that recently purchased a home with an alarm- you must register the alarm under your name also within 30 days.
*The initial alarm registration fee is $24.
*The annual alarm renewal fee is $24.
*Homeowners will be fined if they are found to have not purchased an alarm permit.
*Alarm permits are very common throughout the state of Washington.
*Seniors are offered a discounted rate.
*Permits are quick and easy to obtain. Simply fill out the information @ piercecountywa.citysupport.org .
Now you all have the 411 of alarm permits! Just another way the Liz Keeps It Real Estate Team is YOUR resource for all things home!
P.S. If any of our homeowners do not have an alarm system, please consider getting one. In addition to protecting your biggest investment (your home), your home owners insurance policy will most likely go down when you obtain an alarm. Win-Win!