Does your little one have a love for adventure and the natural world? Well why not help them become a Tehaleh Trail Naturalist!

Spring is upon us and summer is soon to follow. The plants along our community trails are starting to green out and bloom. It is time to go out and explore the many wonders along these trails. The community of Tehaleh wants to invite you to become a Tehaleh Trail Naturalist. What is a Naturalist you say? It is just an “Observer of Nature”. So everyone is fully equipped to carry out the job.
To aid you in your exploration a Naturalist Challenge has been created!
Starting May 1st painted rocks will be hidden with special icons on them for you to find.
Each icon represents a different booklet that has nature information or worksheets, word searches, and pictures to color. When you find one of the stones turn it in at The Post and receive the booklet associated with that icon. Once returned, the stones will be placed back in their original location for others to find, so please turn them in! Enjoy the information given and then search for more stones!
There are five different icons:
· Banana Slug
· Mushroom
· Tree
· Canoe
· Washington State
John Muir said: “Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world”. So go and explore the many worlds of Tehaleh.
